Trout Unlimited’s mission is to conserve, protect and restore North America’s coldwater fisheries and their watersheds.
As a chapter we strive to promote these goals regionally, and to increase participation, diversity, and inclusivity in trout angling.
Trout Unlimited believes that what is good for trout, salmon and steelhead is good for fishermen; and that sound water, land and fisheries management go hand in hand with the recreational value placed on angling by sport fishermen everywhere. TU members accomplish the organization’s purpose by:
Working with state and federal fisheries agencies in scientific research and field projects.
Physically cleaning up streams and lakes and restoring degraded trout and salmon habitat.
Maintaining a water quality surveillance program.
Calling for protection, identification and special management of quality salmonid waters.
Supporting actions intended to recognize and maintain the genetic integrity of unique trout, salmon an steelhead stocks.
Protecting salmonid habitat by encouraging integrated watershed management, supporting good forestry and agricultural practices, and advocating intelligent land development with careful attention to riparian zones.
Supporting enactment of laws, rules, codes and policies that responsibly maintain high water quality.
Sponsoring citizen/scientific meetings and seminars.